Tag Archives: I am uNSToppable

One on One with: Sami, NST oGCDP Impact East Africa.

As shown above, Sami was picked as the OGXer of the month in August, 2012 by the MC VP OGX…

Q1: Which role were you in, before you joined AIESEC Kenya Nation Support Team? Which LC(s)?

I was the LC VP Communications and also Alumni manager at AIESEC Egerton.

Q2: How long have you been in AIESEC?

I joined AIESEC in November 2010. So i have been an active member for about two years.

Q3: What does your role entail? Whom do you work with, report to and major responsibilities?

My roles as the NST oGCDP EA entails working hand in hand with the MC VP  OGX to ensure her plans for this term are realized.In short anything concerning Global Community Development Programme (GCDP) in East Africa that is in her Job Description can be delegated my way.

On a typical day, i can expect to receive email(s) from her with tasks she wants me to execute/assist her. I am based in Rift Valley and therefore our physical meetings are few so emails and skype meetings are our main means of communication.

We have been carrying out a massive bus campaign which is aimed at taking as many members of AIESEC Kenya to other countries especially those in East Africa.

Bus campaign poster.

Some of the routine tasks i have been doing include updating the EP list forms, keeping track of the performance of LC’s in terms of Raising, Matching and Realizing which we do by periodically filling a google spreadsheet and sharing this with all the LC VP OGX’s and hence they can see how their efforts are fairing. (The list is not exhaustive however)

Now to even more interesting tasks, I am also involved in Facilitating local conferences/Seminars and joining the MC VP when she makes coaching visits to the LC she is coaching.

Q4: Your key milestones so far in your role?

Compiling an oGCDP Booklet containing GCDP opportunities in East Africa countries has to be one of the milestones so far. Check it out here(http://www.myaiesec.net/content/viewfile.do?contentid=10229238#)

I have also been behind the implementation efforts of the ”I am uNSToppable” campaign. The impact of this effort will be seen much later.

Q5: Random thing about you? 

I was born on March 1st. Imagine if i was born 24hrs earlier, i would have to be  celebrating my birthday after a couple of years when it was a leap year.

Q6: What are your plans after the NST role ends?

I intend to go for an internship/exchange….that way i will have gone through all the experiences that AIESEC offers apart from lifelong connection i.e. My plan is to go through Engagement with AIESEC, GIP, TMP, TLP, & GCDP …..

Q7: Parting shot to AIESEC Kenya?

”Believe, together we achieve” – AIESEC International, 12-13.


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